You learned 3-2-1 in Lesson 4 of Level 1.
Today, we are going to play it again.This time starting in a different place.
Look at your guitar fretboard. Notice which frets have dots.
Do you have dots at the 5th and 7th fret?
Put your 3rd finger behind the 7th fret of the G string.Your 2nd finger will be behind the 6th fret and your 1st finger will be behind the 5th fret on the G string.

Then lift up your 3rd finger while you’re holding 1st and 2nd fingers down. Pluck the strings 3 times.
Lift up your 2nd finger while you’re holding 1st finger down. Pluck the string 3 more times. Add the second finger back and pluck 3 times.Then add the 3rd finger back and pluck 3 times.
So, you should be playing this:
Now try playing each pitch 2 times:
Now try playing each pitch 1 times:
As you practice, make sure that you are walking the fingers in your right hand.
We first played this exercise in Level 1: Lesson 4, but this time we start with the 3rd finger in the 7th fret instead of the 12th.
As you move down the guitar neck, there is slightly more space between frets.
So when we started this exercise in the 12th fret, there was relatively little finger stretching.
To start, take note of where the dots are on your guitar. This will help your child be more comfortable as we move into different parts of the guitar later on.
Every guitar is a little different, but almost all have some marks at the 5th, 7th, and 12th frets. We start with the thirds finger in the 7th fret. You can move down the neck as you feel comfortable, or just do all of your practice sessions at the 7th fret if you choose.
If you do move down into the lower frets it will require more finger stretching.Here are the things to watch for as you practice:
-The preceding fingers are down, so when the 3rd finger is down the 2nd and 1st are down as well.
-And when the 2nd finger is down, so is the 1st.
-Your thumb should stay behind the neck, between the 1st and 2nd fingers.
The right hand should be plucking the string by alternating between the pointer and middle finger.